Laminate Veneers: A-Z Science and Art

07 February 2020, Dubai, UAE

The esthetic treatment of anterior teeth has always presented a challenge in clinical practice. Laminate veneers are a common conservative approach. Rapid innovations of dental ceramic materials, fabrication and adhesive techniques offer clinicians many options for creating highly esthetic yet functional ceramic veneers. Moreover, the concept of minimally invasive dentistry is rapidly growing nowadays, paving the way for ultra conservative laminate veneers.

Such esthetic makeovers, however, must not be conducted without a proper sequence of planning, designing and implementation to achieve long term success.


Prof. Tarek Salah Morsi


Master degree in Prosthodontics, Doctorate (PhD) in Prosthodontics Restorative and
Esthetic Dentistry, International Diplomas in Implantology, Prosthodontics, and Cosmetic Dentistry.
